Spring time was good; weather was bomb, car was running, smiling faces everywhere.
We never posted any of this on our site yet, but it ain't no thang but a Sprang Flang.
We never posted any of this on our site yet, but it ain't no thang but a Sprang Flang.
Met this really legit guy at the Tint Shop.
This guy loved his Magnum as much as we did.
This guy loved his Magnum as much as we did.
Photos do no justice on how clean this Magnum is; laced with bags and a stereo system that bangs hard enough to host a rave and kill 4 idiots overdosing.
Mandatory weekend wash.
Mr. Suttey and his racecar.
Blue Magic.
Los Hermanos.
Then it was off to 5 Guys, 8 deep, no homo.
Trail Mix.
Then off to DTF // BONG BOYZ
Ryan, Flyin'.
Devin Dudley.
Yung Skateboard D.
We push buttons and shit.
Taking amongst one another.
Unaffiliated - Night Out from Unaffiliated on Vimeo.
- Kelvin G. Santos