With Summer just around the corner, the heat is really coming down on us. There's two ways we look at it though, either the sun beats down on your car, or you let your car shine. Speaking of letting you car shine, here are the photos from the last meet.

Suttey washing the whip down.
We got to the lot hours early only to find a whole gang of cars parked across the wall, all one team.. To those who parked hella early and took up the whole wall parking, please be more considerate and don't save parking and come 2 hours early, you know who you are.
Andrew's R32.
If you don't know Pancho, you ain't a local.
Grime Time.
Mayuga's TSX.
Riley keeping it @sogrimey with his GRIMEY hat available at @attic2zoo
How are you gonna have that motor with those wheels? Oh the irony...
Flawless MR2, just beautiful.
Homie had hydraulics, on some Midnight Club shit.
This guy keeps the meet alive with this bumping system.
Few oldies rolled up.
Attic Assistant Store Manager, Dante Le, claiming that his car will eventually be more slammed than him. We'll hold him to that..
Chase parking lot had a lot of variety to offer as well.
Finally after almost 3 years of waiting, the homie Eric finally finished his K24 swap in his Honda Civic sedan. Sleeper mode.
This thing was aggressive parked all by itself.
Classic Levin.
Came back to the Attic lot to find this Japanese unicorn on BBS's.
It seemed as if everyone was focused on the cars the drove by who couldn't get parking.
This guy made my night.. Respect.
Then the raffle went down, including Sanctiond car wash supplies, concert tickets, hats, t-shirts, posters, and much more!
Caught these two slippin'..
The final prize was a huge laminated IMKING poster and an Unaffiliated sticker. Congrats!
Even a few more impressive rides rolled through after the raffle.
We hope to see everyone next meet on June 5th, stay scraping, neck breaking!
TBW 5/15, a set on Flickr.
- Kelvin G. Santos