Way better outcome at the M&M Sunday night car meet on March 27, 2011. A lot more cars showed up and met a lot more chill people. Not to mention lots of dope & unique cars too! Hope more meets are like this in the future, straight up. Still a couple idiots speeding down the street though..

Built Datsun.

Fresh lights on an EK.

This guy has the right state of mind, definitely.

Well known EG.

Track RX7.

Extremely nice dude owns this car; homie has all my respect.

Flawless RX7.

Original Mini Cooper.

Zero offset.

Sick Accord Wagon.

Initial D. status Hachiroku.

Touge swag.

Finally got my badge.

I never said I was good at canyon racing, I just love it.

Stripped interior = less weight & not being a taxi.