So it was Warren's "Friday" so we picked up Johnny and Ferney to hang out. Ended up meeting up with other homies later on. We made sure to make the most of the night, craziest night.
Ran into Dirty Dan, spracked out.
That fool tripped.
Stopped by Jesse's pad to go look at a flyer. Props to RockAudio.
Got us some Boba Loca to take with us to the spot.
On the way to the Vantage Point.
What a viewskies.
Settin' up on top of the world.
Fed up.
King Kiddo.
Webcamin' on the top of the world.

On the way downskies,the WRONG way downskies.
Tendin' rabbits.
Da homies was beefin'.
Ended up getting sooo lost, thought we were dunzo.Stopped by a park within the neighborhood to cam up.
A good sign.
Finally found our way out of the richness and busted a mission to a gas station to meet up with some more homies, then we got the car to go to Dennys.
I put in my share.
My Peach Chilla.
Halfers on the nachies.
Look at this "Spicy Cowboy".
Terrorist in the lavatory.
Ferney shootin' doubles.
Called it a night at 3am, pretty fresh. More to come, stay tuned my friends.
- Kelvin G. Santos