These meets have grown huge ever since we stepped into the scene, and we're lovin' it. Thanks to everyone who comes weekly, let's keep this thing goin' strong. All we ask is that everyone please pick up after themselves and chill with the revving and speeding in the lot. Other than that, the meets are superb. We really appreciate the love and support and we hope you guys spread the word and keep attending every Wednesday night.

Look at these Hoolies.

Frankie's sleeper.

The SoCal Hooligans.

Brandon's S14 representing Team Orgazmic.

Rocky's new toy.

The Perfect Daily.

Luis's Vitz.

Matt's S13 Vert (Long Beach)

Repping Long Beach S13's.

Repping Long Beach S13's.

Simply clean.

Hardest Camry I've seen in person.

Brandon's EG.

Colin's fresh ass Trueno.

Hard new-gen Corolla.

Miso's GTI.

Gedz's Celi.

Anthony's E30 (Unaffiliated)

One fast GSR.

Extremely proper Civic.

Chillest Police Officer lady.

Lastnight was an overall success, just like every Wednesday. Let's keep the good times goin'.
- Kelvin G. Santos
(and Happy Thanksgiving)
- Unaffiliated