
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday Night Tetris.

At around 4:30 pm, we went to the Brea Mall with Jesse Rios to hang out and get some decals. Got home at around 7:00pm and dropped Jesse off at home. He told us he was going to DJ a party, (which we knew about before) and invited us to come hop on his set up for a bit and drop a set; so we did.

Party flowed pretty smoothly thanks to Jesse.
Take a look at THE freshest girls at the party.
They were kind enough to snap some pics of us while we were DJing.
So mad ups to the homegirls Marissa & Alicia!

The homie Alberto, mad postin'.


We go hard.

These balloons don't float.

Pretty chill place to party.
I don't know about safe.

Brandon & Diana, looking spiffy as always.


I guess that's pretty chill.

When you see it..


Jesse Rios doing what he does best.

"All systems are go.."

" are now in tune with..."

"...The KnuckleDusters."

Oh yeah, remember that none of this is our equipment. It's all Jesse's.

So things happened and we had to fit us and the Rios brothers a ride home.
Oh, and did we mention that we also had to fit ALL of his equipment in the car with us??

God's gift.

Stopped by In-N-Out after the party. MAD hunger.

Goin' goin' gone.

Successful night.

- Santos Brothers