The death of Paul Walker has brought sadness to many peoples' hearts. Not to mention also brought out a bunch of thoughtless lead-footed "car enthusiasts" who are just looking for any crowded place to show off their new mufflers. Other than that, there were still a few legit people being respectful in keeping the community to a friendly and mature level.

Rudolph came out to play.
This had to be my favorite Integra at the meet.
Partial hood? Different.
This Civic was on some dope wheels #respect
Properly executed Civic.
A wild Lan Evo appears!
The owner of this Time-Attack S2000 apparently loves Ethan.
Crispy 510 from the Illest meet.
This Civic has grown on me.
Dirty Lips.
Frankie didn't seem to be repping any crew sticker, this is new.
I loved this vented Chuki bumper. Why didn't I think of that!?
Chris Fotog.
This Swift Accord caught my eye.
Most of us don't realize that we spend most of our time IN our cars,
except for this owner of this Accord. He spent a pretty penny on getting his interior
exactly the way he wanted it. Makes me wanna invest on my interior as well.
Drake on that new new. We love the new color!
I see you.
This Jeep looked about ready to romp.
P.J. gone solo??
The homie from Street Faction custom made this FRS diffuser; fully functional!
This Subie looked like it could survive an apocalypse.
My neighbor and his crew dropped by as well.
Nothing personal, but we don't appreciate how this guy drives in the streets.
I see this guy driving around my hood a lot. Thing looks hot, keep it up.
Frankie again!
Then out of nowhere, the whole meet decided to just up and leave.
Well, except for a few people who were actually posted up and talking to people.
Then my homies left me to clean up after everyone's mess #onemanarmy
Hopefully the Paul Walker Car Meet hype dies back down to the people
who truly respect the automotive community.